Home > Basingstoke Street Index > Lightsfield


This page shows businesses on Lightsfield. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


Climate Solutions (South) Ltd

Climate Solutions (South) Ltd is a plumbing and heating business whose services include installation and servicing of boilers and heating systems.

Address: 107 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BY

D & S Windows

D & S Windows is a double glazing company providing a range of double glazing solutions for different types of window.

Address: 26 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BY


Advertising and Commercial Photographers

Address: 21 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BL

Shawki Medics Ltd


Address: 14 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BL

Silly Wizard Tattoos

Silly Wizard Tattoos is a tattoo parlour where tattoo artists create a variety of skin decorations.

Address: 42 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BY


Tritek Developments Ltd

Upholstery Manufacturers

Address: 61 Lightsfield, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 7BY

Reviews of Establishments on Lightsfield

Find out what people are saying about places on Lightsfield.

The best place to go for Artistry - review of Silly Wizard Tattoos by Peter Hall

Before I left the UK, I had some tattoos done, and Silly Wizard dd the best for me. Even now they are still clear, sharp and as fresh as if they were... More »


Map showing Lightsfield in Basingstoke.
