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"Basingstoke Blizzard Bus Adventure"

A review of Stagecoach by Telsaint written on Wednesday 23rd of December 2009


After abandoning my car at Blackdam on my journey from Plymouth to Alton on Monday afternoon I was able to use the facilities at the Holiday Inn before deciding how I could get beyond the total deadlock of vehicles, many already abandoned. A no28 bus approached down the A339 and I joined other passengers whose attempt to return to Alton had been thwarted by the fatal accident of that morning. The bus driver Alan remained cheerful and calm and even waited for some of the passengers to also use the toilets before using his driving skills and patience to get the bus back to the depot. I left before then as I realized that I could still get a train to Alton and return in the morning. The comraderie of the driver and passengers provided a suitable reminder that the Spirit of Christmas still prevails..

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Map showing Stagecoach on Festival Place
