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"Follow on about delivery problems Worsam Court Chiltern Way Basingstoke!!"

A review of Royal Mail by Leslie Slater written on Wednesday 4th of January 2017


Following on about my complaint about post persons put incorrect mail in wrong flat numbers. I ordered a CD from Amazon (one of several) on the 2nd of December last year 2016! The CD was due to arrive by the 30th of December yet it has yet to arrive I've had ni reply from Amazon what has happened to this CD and it looks like the cd has gone to the address and with it being Christmas someone decided to keep it although I dont have any proof yet? I 'm very dissapointed with what has occurred and will do my best to find out if the CD has been stolen by a greedy customer!

Today I received an order from Amazon which is one of four delivereis in as many weeks to come in January,however the parcel went to the WRONG flat number which was Mandy in flat 7 opposite my flat number 8 Worsam Court! The parcel was slipped through my letter box after the post person had gone out of out block. i've got three more orders from Amazon during January but I'm not happy nwith the servise as most of the deliveries are made by Royal Mail so I have to trust the post person to deliver my mail to the corerect address but in the last year at least THREE parcels have not not been delivered to my address and have gone to incorrect flat number. Please ensure the post person for this area Worting and Buckskin put the correct mail in the correct flat in the future. Thankyou. Mr L Slater. Flat 8 Worsam Court Chiltern Way Buckskin Basingstoke RG22 5AX..

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Royal Mail

Map showing Royal Mail on Priestley Road
